DAVID GARRETT erhielt seine erste Geige im Alter von 4 Jahren und hatte Unterreicht u.a. bei Zahkar Bron und Ida Haendel. Sein außergewöhnliches, vielseitiges Talent wurde schon früh erkannt: Als Wunderkind gab DAVID GARRETT sein Bühnendebüt im Alter von 10 Jahren und wurde mit 13 Jahren der jüngste Künstler, der jemals bei der renommierten Deutschen Grammophon unter Vertrag genommen wurde. Als Kind arbeitete er mit Dirigentenlegenden wie Zubin Mehta, Claudio Abbado und Yehudi Menuhin zusammen. Im Alter von nur 15 Jahren nahm er alle 24 Capricen von Paganini auf - zweifellos einige der anspruchsvollsten Stücke, die je für Violine geschrieben wurden. Yehudi Menuhin hat ihn sogar als "den größten Geiger seiner Generation" gepriesen.
Genau an diesem Punkt seiner Karriere entschied er sich dafür, seine Fähigkeiten zu verfeinern und zu erweitern und schrieb sich an der weltberühmten Juilliard School in New York ein: Er wurde Schüler von Itzhak Perlman.
Bis heute arbeitet DAVID GARRETT mit den außergewöhnlichsten Dirigenten im klassischen Bereich wie Zubin Mehta, Christoph Eschenbach, Riccardo Chailly und Andrés Orozco-Estrada zusammen. Mehr Informationen auf: www.david-garrett.com
Vadim Repin war gerade mal elf Jahre alt, als er am Wieniawski-Wettbewerb die Goldmedaille über alle Altersklassen gewann. Er studierte über 10 Jahre bei Prof. Zakhar Bron in dessen berühmten Meisterklassen in Novosibirsk und in Lübeck. Als jüngster Gewinner aller Zeiten gewann er im Alter von 17 Jahren den berühmten Concours Reine Elisabeth in Brüssel. Seit diesen Erfolgen hat er mit sämtlichen grossen Orchestern der Welt musiziert. Ein besonderes Highlight war dabei eine grosse Tour mit dem London Philharmonic Orchestra, welche ihn u.a. in die Carnegie Hall, Salle Pleyel und den Concertgebouw führte. Das eigens für ihn komponierte Violinkonzert von James MacMillan wurde exklusiv an den BBC-Proms in der ausverkauften Royal Albert Hall aufgeführt. Zahlreiche CD-Aufnahmen und diverse Awards (u.a. Victoire d’Honneur oder BBC Music Award) sind nur kleine Zeichen seines gigantischen Erfolgs. Im Jahre 2014 wurde Repin als Honorarprofessor ans Central Conservatory in Peking und 2015 ans Shanghai Conservatory berufen. Im April 2014 lancierte Vadim Repin als künstlerischer Leiter das Trans-Siberian Festival of the Arts in Novosibirsk. Für mehr Informationen: www.vadimrepin.com
Der britische Geiger Daniel Hope blickt seit mehr als 30 Jahren auf eine blühende internationale Solokarriere zurück. Gefeiert für seine musikalische Vielseitigkeit und sein Engagement für humanitäre Zwecke, wurde er mit einer Reihe von Ehrungen ausgezeichnet, darunter das Bundesverdienstkreuz und der Europäische Kulturpreis für Musik 2015. Neben Solokonzerten, Kammerkonzerten und Konzertkooperationen mit den weltweit führenden Orchestern und Dirigenten leitet Hope viele Ensembles von der Violine aus, folgte 2016 Roger Norrington als Musikdirektor des Zürcher Kammerorchesters und wurde Musikdirektor des New Century Chamber Orchestra in San Francisco zwei Jahre später. Seit 2007 ist er Exklusivkünstler der Deutschen Grammophon, hat eine preisgekrönte Diskographie und ist außerdem ein beliebter Radio- und Fernsehmoderator, der kürzlich die TV- und Streaming-Serie Hope@Home moderierte. 2019 beendete er seine 16. und letzte Saison als stellvertretender künstlerischer Leiter des Savannah Music Festivals in Georgia und wurde künstlerischer Leiter der Dresdner Frauenkirche. In die Fußstapfen von Kurt Masur und Joseph Joachim tritt Hope seit 2020 seine Amtszeit als Präsident des Beethoven-Hauses Bonn an. Mehr Informationen auf www.danielhope.com
Maxim Vengerov wurde in Nowosibirsk geboren und erhielt im Alter von viereinhalb Jahren seinen ersten Violinunterricht. Er studierte über zehn Jahre bei Zakhar Bron in Novosibirsk und Lübeck und gewann im Alter von zehn Jahren den Lipinski-Wieniawski Wettbewerb in Lublin. Vengerov zählt heute zu den weltweit renommiertesten Geigern überhaupt; seine Einspielungen für namhafte Klassiklabels wurden mehrfach mit dem Grammy, dem Gramophone Award, dem Classical Brit Award und dem ECHO Klassik ausgezeichnet. Als passionierter Pädagoge unterrichtet Maxim Vengerov an der International Menuhin Music Academy in der Schweiz und an der Royal Academy of Music in London. 1997 wurde er als erster „klassischer“ Musiker zum internationalen UNICEF-Botschafter ernannt. Für mehr Informationen: www.nfbm.com/maxim-vengerov
Weitere ehemalige Studenten und ihre grossen Erfolge
Vadim Repin
1982 – 1st prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
1988 – 1st prize in the Tibor Varga Competition (Sion, Switzerland)
1989 – 1st prize in the Queen Elisabeth Competition (Brussels, Belgium)
Maxim Vengerov
1985 – 1st prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
1989 – Winner oft he Davidoff Prize (Germany)
1990 – 1st Prize in the Carl Flesch Competition (London, England)
Natalia Prischepenko
1988 – 2nd prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
1990 – 1st prize in the Paganini International Violin Competition (Genoa, Italy)
1992 – Winner oft he 5th International Violin Competition (Tokyo, Japan)
1993 – Laureate oft the Queen Elisabeth Competition (Brussels, Belgium)
1996 – 1st Prize in the ARD International Competition for string quartet (Munich, Germany)
Nikolay Madoyan
1988 – 3rd prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
1988 – 3rd prize in the All Russian Violin Competition (Novosibirsk, Russia)
1991 – 1st prize in the International Kulenkampf Competition of Violinists (Cologne, Germany)
1992 – Laureate of the 5th International Violin Competition (Tokyo, Japan)
Ilia Konovalov
1988 – 3rd Prize in the All Russian Violin Competition (Novosibirsk, Russia)
1991 – 3rd prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and
Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
1997 until today he has been Concertmaster oft he Israel Philharmonic Orchestra under Zubin Mehta
Vadim Gluzman
1988 – 2nd prize in the All Russian Violin Competition (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Marina Koifman
Professor in the Novosibirsk State Conservatoire (Novosibirsk, Russia)
2nd prize in the All Russian Violin Competition (Kazan, Russia)
Yuri Volgin
Assistant of Professor Bron in the Escuela Superior de Musika Reina Sofia (Madrid, Spain)
Since 2008 – Professor in Barcelona Escuela de Musika de Catalina (Barcelona, Spain)
Linus Roth
1994 – Laureate of the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
1995 – 1st prize in the International Competition for the Young Violinists (Novosibirsk, Russia)
1997 – 2nd prize in the International Music Competition „Josph Szigeti“ (Budapest, Hungary)
2003 – 1st Prize oft he German Music Competition and the Special Prize of the Schumannhouse.
Sayaka Shoji
1995 – 1st prize in the 8th Mozart Junior Competition (Vienna, Austria)
1997 – 1st prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
1999 – 1st prize in the Viotti International Competition (Valsesia, Italy)
1999 – 1st prize in the Paganini International Violin Competition (Genoa, Italy)
Daishin Kashimoto
1991 – 3rd prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
1993 – 1st prize in the 6th Menuhin International Junior Violin Competition (England)
1994 – 1st prize in the International Kulenkampf Competition of Violinists (Cologne, Germany)
1994 – Winner oft he Davidoff Prize (Germany)
1996 – 1st prize in the Internatinal Fritz Kreisler Viloin Competition (Vienna, Austria)
1996 – 1st prize in the Marguerite Long-Jacques Thibaud International Competition for Piano and Violin (Paris, France)
1996 – 1st prize in the Stradivarius Violin Competition (Tokyo, Japan)
2009 – Winner of Concertmaster in the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra
Vera Martinez Mehner
1st Violin in the Casals String Quartet
1995 – 1st prize in the Internation Competition for violin Kloster Schöntal (Germany)
1997 – 2nd prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
2000 – 1st prize in London Internation String Quartet Competition (London, England)
2002 – 1st prize in the Johannes Brahms International Competition (Austria)
2005 – Prize of City of Bercelona for Casals Quartet (Spain)
2006 – National Music Award (Spain)
Karima Kuzumi
Sine 2001 she has been a 1st Concertmaster in the Stuttgart Philharmonie Orchestra (Germany)
1997 – 3rd prize in the International Music Competition „Joseph Szigeti“ (Budapest, Hungary)
Latica Honda-Rosenberg
1992 – 3rd prize in the Tokyo Violin Competition (Tokyo, Japan)
1993 – Laureate of the Queen Elisabeth Competition (Brussels, Belgium)
1998 – 2nd prize in the International Tchaikovsky Competition (Moscow, Russia)
2003 – Professorship for violin at the Musikhochschule Freiburg (Germany)
2008 – Guest professorship at the Berlin University of Arts (Germany)
Keisuke Okazaki
1997 – 1st prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
Hanna Weinmeister
1993 – Laureate of the Marguerite Long-Jacques Thibaud International Competition for Piano and Violin (Paris, France)
1995 – 1st prize in the International Parkhouse Award in London (London, England)
Since 1988 Hanna Weinmeister has been first concertmaster of the Zurich Opera Orchestra (Zürich, Switzerland)
Melina Mandozzi
1993 – Laureate of Rodolfo Lipizer Competition (Italy)
1995 – 1st prize in the International Violin Competitions Novosibirsk (Russia)
1995 – 1st prize in the „Johannes Brahms“ Competition (Austria)
1996 – Laureate of the International Fritz Kreisler Violin Competition (Vienna, Austria)
1996 – 1st prize in the Osaka International Chamber Music Competition (Osaka, Japan)
1998 – 3rd prize in the Vienna International Music Competition (Vienna, Austria)
2000 – 1st prize in the „Dr. Luis Sigall“ International Violin Competition (Chile)
2001 – Winner of the „Vaclav Huml“ International Violin Competition (Zagreb, Croatia)
2001 – Laureate of the Tibor Varga Competition (Sion, Switzerland)
2003 – Laureate of Igor Oistrach competition
2003 – Concertmaster of the Radio Symphony Orchestra in Vienna (Vienna, Austria)
2004 – Concertmaster of the Netherlands Radio Symphony Orchestra
2005 – Guest concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra
2006 – Guest concertmaster of the London Philharmonic
Arkady Gutnikov
1988 – Laureate of the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
1991 – 3rd prize in International Kulenkampf Competition of Vionists (Cologne, Germany)
1993 – 1st prize in the Igor Oistrakh International Violin Competition
Denis Goldfeld
1991 – 1st prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
Priya Mitchell
2004 – Professorin an der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Frankfurt am Main (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Kirill Troussov
1994 – 1st prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
1994 – Winner of the Davidoff Prize (Germany)
Tamaki Kawakubo
2001 – 1st prize in the Pablo Sarasate International Violin Competition (Pamplona, Spain)
2002 – Winner of the International Tchaikovsky Competition (Moscow, Russia)
Mikhail Ovrutsky
2004 until today: Concertmaster in the Beethoven Orchestra (Bonn, Germany)
Assistant of Professor Bron in the Musikhochschule Köln (Köln, Germany)
2001 – 1st prize in the Pablo Sarasate International Violin Competition (Pamplona, Spain)
2001 – 1st prize in the International Competition in Washington, DC (Washington, USA)
2002 – 1st prize in the Unisa International Violin Competition (Pretoria, South Africa)
2002 – Laureate of the Tchaikovsky International Competition (Moscow, Russia)
2003 – 1st prize in the Liana Isakadze International Violin Competition (St. Petersburg, Russia)
2005 – Laureate of the Queen Elisabeth International Competition (Brussels, Belgium)
Nicolas Koeckert
2001 – 1st prize in the Internation Violin Competition Novosibirsk (Russia)
2002 – Laureate of the Tchaikovsky International Competition (Moscow, Russia)
2002 – Prize awarded by the Bavarian state (Germany)
2003 – Laureate of the Montreal International Musical Competition (Montreal, Canada)
2003 – 2nd prize in the Liana Issakadze International Violin Competition (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Maurizio Sciarretta
2002 - Michelangelo Abbado" International Competition, Milano, Italy
Igor Malinovsky
1991 - Laureate of Wienawski Competition in Lublin, Poland
1993 - First prize of International Demidov Competition, Russia; Second prize of Menuhin Competition, Folkstone, England
1994 - First prize of the International Rodolfo Lipizer Prize, Italy
1996 - Laureate of Fritz Kreisler Competition, Vienna
2001 - Laureate of the Pablo Sarasate International Violin Competition (Pamplona, Spain)
2002 - 1st prize in the International Violin-Competition „Madeira-Music-Festival“ (Madeira, Portugal)
2002 - 2005 First concertmaster of the Bavarian State Orchestra under the direction general music director Zubin Mehta
2005 until today: Position of first concertmaster of the Orchester Palau des Arts Reine Sofia Valencia under the direction general music director Lorin Maazel Since 2005 – Position of first concertmaster of the Komischen Oper Berlin under the direction general music director Carl St. Clair
2007 until today: Professor of Violin in the University of Music Carl Maria Weber (Dresden, Germany)
Leticia Munoz
2000 – 1st prize in the Henryk Szeryng International Violin Competition
2001 – 2nd prize in the Pablo Sarasate International Violin Competition (Pamplona, Spain)
2001 – 1st prize in the Concertino of Prague (Prague, Czech Republic)
2001 – 1st prize in the International Violin Competitions Novosibirsk (Russia)
Alissa Margulis
2000 - Laureate of the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
Choi Chi Ung
2003 – Laurate of the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
Chloe Hanslip
1999 – 1st prize and four spezial prizes in the 2nd International Violin Competition (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Mayu Kishima
2000 – 2nd prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
2003 – 1st prize in the Patrus International Violin Competition (Patrus, Griechenland)
2004 – 3rd prize in the 59th Geneva International Music Competition (Geneva, Switzerland)
2004 – 1st prize in the International Violin Competitions Novosibirsk (Russia)
Erik Schumann
1995 – 1st prize in the International Violin Competitions Novosibirsk (Russia)
1997 – 1st prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
2001 – 1st prize in the Patrus International Violin Competition (Patrus, Griechenland)
2002 – Laureate of the Marguerite Long-Jacques Thibaud International Competition for Piano and Violin (Paris, France)
2002 – Winner of the „Prix Européen d’encouragement“
2003 – Laureate of the Sion Valais International Violin Competition (Sion, Switzerland)
2003 – Winner of the Cultural Award of Northrhine-Westphalia for Young Artists
Nadezhda Korshakova
2003 to present: Assistant of Prof. Bron in the Hochschule der Künste (Zürich, Switzerland)
2003 – Winner oft the Prague Spring Competition (Prague, Czech Republic)
2004 – Laureant of the David Oistrakh International Violin Competition (Odessa, Ukraine)
Mikhail Nodelman
2005 to present: Assistant of Prof. Bron in the Musikschule Köln (Cologne, Germany)
2003 – 3rd prize in the Liana Iskadze International Violin Competition (St. Petersburg, Russia)
2004 – 1st prize in the International Violin Competition „Eurasia 2004“ (Kazakhstan)
Mayuko Kamio
2000 – 1st prize in the Young Concert Artists International Auditions (USA)
2004 – 1st prize and Gold Medal in the Monte Carlo Violin Masters Competition (Monte Carlo, Monaco)
2004 – 1st prize in the International David Oistrakh Violin Competition (Odessa, Ukraine)
2006 – 1st prize in the Rahn Competition (Zürich, Switzerland)
2007 – Laureate of the Montreal International Musical Competition (Montreal, Canada)
2007 – 1st prize in the Tchaikovsky International Competition (Moscow, Russia)
Laura Marzadori
2004 - 2010: Winner of the Rome’s National Arts Award (jury president Uto Ughi), Winner of the Andrea Amati Contest, 2nd place in the Postacchini International Competition together with the special award for the best execution of Nicolò Paganini’s Capricci, winner of the Città di Vittorio Veneto”Contest
2011 - Prizewinner at the Sion International Violin Competitions
2012 - Prizewinner at the Buenos Aires International Violin Competitions.
Artur Chermonov
2008 – Laureate of Rodolfo Lipizer Competition (Italy)
2004 – 2nd prize Alma Are (Kazachstan)
David Mirzoev
2009 – Laureate of the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
2010 – 2nd prize Novosibirsk
Nikolas Lipe
2009 – 2nd prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
Marianna Vasilieva
2009 – 1st prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
2010 – 1st prize in the Prague Spring International Music Competition (Prague, Czech Republic)
2011 – 1st prize Sion (Switzerland)
2012 – 2nd prize Buenos Aires
Eugenia Ryabinina
2008 – 1st prize in the International Hindemith Competition (Germany)
2008 – Laureate of Rodolfo Lipizer Competition (Italy)
Mone Hattori
2009 – 1st prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
Andrey Rozendent
2009 – 3rd prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
Arsenis Selalmazidis
2009 – 2nd prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
Alexander Sorokov
2006 – 1st prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
2007 – 1st prize (Italia)
Yuka Tsuboi
2003 – 2nd prize in the Pablo Sarasate International Violin Competition (Pamplona, Spain)
2003 – 1st prize in the Kiwannis Competition (Zürich, Switzerland)
2004 – Winner of Yamaha Competition
2005 – 1st prize in the Padova International Music Competition (Padova, Italy)
2006 – 3rd prize in the Geneva International Chamber Music Competition (Geneva, Switzerland)
2007 – 1st prize in the Migros Chamber Music Competition (Zürich, Switzerland)
2008 – 3rd prize in the Osaka International Chamber Music Competition (Osaka, Japan)
Soyoung Yoon
2002 – 1st prize in the Menuhin International Violin Competition (England)
2003 – 1st prize in the International Kulenkampf Competition of Violinists (Cologne, Germany)
2005 – Winner of the Tibor Varga International Competition (Sion, Switzerland)
2006 – 1st prize in the „David Oistrakh International Violin Competition“ (Odessa, Ukraine)
2007 – Laureate of the Tchaikovsky International Competition (Moscow, Russia)
2009 – Laureate of the Queen Elisabeth International Competition (Brussels, Belgium)
2011 – 2nd prize Indianapolis
2011 – 1st prize Poznan-Wieniawaski
Viatcheslav Chestiglazov
2000 – 3rd prize in the Menuhin International Violin Competition (England)
2001 – 1st prize in the Novosibirsk International Violin Competition (Novosibirsk, Russia)
2003 – 1st prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
2005 – 2nd prize in the Lisbon International Violin Competition (Lisbon, Portugal) 2007 – 1st prize in the Tibor Varga International Violin Competition (Sion, Switzerland)
Stefan Tarara
2005 – 1st prize in the Violin Competition Henry Marteu (Germany)
2006 – 1st prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
2008 – 2nd prize in the Tibor Varga Violin Competition (Sion, Switzerland)
2010 – 2nd prize in the Prague Spring International Music Competition (Prague, Czech Republic)
2010 – 2nd prize Paganini
2011 – 3rd prize in the Tibor Varga Violin Competition (Sion, Switzerland)
2012 – 1st prize Sofia
2010 – 1st prize Lipizen
2014 - 1st prize Enescu Competition
Ana Maria Valderrama
2004 – 1st prize in the Novosibirsk International Violin Competition (Novosibirsk, Russia)
2005 – 3rd prize in the Lisbon International Violin Competition (Lisbon, Portugal)
2011 – 1st prize Sarasate
Erzhan Kulibaev
2003 – 1 st Prize and Special Prize Demidovski International violin competition
2006 – 1st prize in the Lisbon International Violin Competition (Lisbon, Portugal)
2007 – First Prize and Special Prize Price International violin competition in Novosibirsk
2010 – Gold Medal and Special Prize Paul Hindemith in Berlin
2011 – Laureaet Poznan
2011 – 1st prize Berlin Hindemit
2012 – 1st prize Buenos Aires
Chiharu Taki
2001 – 1st prize in the Novosibirsk International Violin Competition (Novosibirsk, Russia)
2002 – 1st prize in the Menuhin International Violin Competition (England)
Yeo-Young Yoon
2000 – Laureate of the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
2002 – 2nd prize of Madeira International Competition (Madeira, Portugal)
Ui Youn Hong
2004 – 2nd prize and special prize of Corpus Christi International Competition
2006 – 3rd Prize in the Pablo de Sarasate Violin Competition (Pamplona, Spain)
2006 – 1st prize of the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
2012 – 3rd prize Nilssen Competition (Danmark)
Arata Yumi
2006 – 1st prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
2011 - 1st prize Wieniawki Wettbewerb Poznan
Hiroka Matsumoto
2006 – 2nd prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
Esther Yoo
2006 – 1st prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
2010 – 3rd prize Sibelius Helsinki
2012 – 4th prize Brussel
Mindy Chen
2008 – 3rd prize in the Menuhin International Junior Violin Competition (England)
2009 – 1st Prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
Irina Pak
2009 – 3rd prize in the International Competition for Young Violinists in Honor of Karol Lipinski and Henryk Wieniawski (Lublin, Poland)
Iryna Gintova
2007 – Winner of International Violin Competition „Citta die Brescia“ (Brescia, Italy)
Vladislav Lutchenko
2009 – 3rd prize in the International Violin Competition Andrea Postacchini (Italy)
2009 – 1st prize in the Rahn Competition (Zürich, Switzerland)
2010 – 2nd prize in the International Violin Competition Andrea Postacchini (Italy)
Fedor Rudin
2012 – 1st prize Chacaturjan Erevan
2012 – 4th prize Buenos Aires
2012 – 2nd prize Italia
Mizuki Chiba
2012 – 3rd prize Sion
2012 – 1st prize Novosibirsk
Hadar Rimon
2011 – Laureate (Sion, Switzerland)
Alexander Kuznetsov
2012 – 2nd prize Italia
Olga Volkova
2011 – Laureat Lipizen Italia
2012 – 1st prize Dänemark Nilsson
2012 – 2nd prize Moskau Paganini
Elizaveta Laskova
2006 – 2nd prize Novosibirsk Competition
2012 – 2nd prize „Violines por la puz“ (Spain)
Elvin Hoxha Ganiyev
2006 - 1st prize International Classical Cultural Heritage Competition, Moskow
2007 - 1st prize 1st category and “Turkish Composer Award” Gülden Turalı Violin competition
2008 - Presidential Scholarship and mention of name in the "Golden Book of Azerbaijan"
2009 - 2nd prize International Lipinski-Wieniawski Young Violinist Competition
2010 - “Breakthrough Young Musician of the Year"-Award, Andante Classical Music Awards
2012 - 1st prize Noche en Madrid
2013 - 2 special prizes Tchaikovsky Competition for Young Musicians, Montreux-Vevey
Aleksey Semenenko
2012 - 1st prize „Young Concert Artists International Auditions“ in New York
2015 - 2nd prize Concours Reine Elisabeth in Bruxelles